Modem market economy

Modem market economyModem market economy
  1. Brand economy has become the mainstream of modem market economy .


  2. Company is the foundation of modem market economy .


  3. Therefore , S-I financial transformation mechanism is the most important mechanism in modem market economy .


  4. In the process of the development of modem market economy , the roles of a state may be either positive or negative .


  5. In the modem market economy , it is salary that can represent the value of talented persons mostly .


  6. Under the conditions of modem market economy , value is the product of productive elements with knowledge , science and technology at the core .


  7. Rent-seeking is a prevalence economic phenomenon in the modem market economy countries and countries with economies in transition to a market .


  8. Finance has a key role in modem market economy , its stability is very important to economic development , security and sovereignty of a country .


  9. The system of government procurement is characteristic of publicity , legality and competition as an out-come of Modem Market Economy .


  10. Under the condition of modem market economy , any corporation that wants to succeed in drastic competition must take some risks at some times .


  11. Company and enterprise are the cornerstone and basic units of modem market economy , as the prerequisite for them entry the market , the registration system undoubtedly plays the most important role .


  12. In the modem market economy , there exists not only conflict but also consistency among personal interest and other people 's interest , private benefit and public benefit , citizens'liberty and the national law .


  13. This organizing form of the property right not only meets the needs of development of the modem market economy , but also reflects the essential features of socialism : the laborers ? principle role in society .


  14. The problem with the market economy order is one of the research subjects of the contemporary politics , economics , jurisprudence and management science as well as a common knotty problem that the modem market economy countries face .


  15. The relativity principle of contracts and its breakthrough show the changes in law monetary and the transformation from static adjustment of the contract relation to complete dynamic adjustment of it . It is the result of modem market economy .


  16. Bank and enterprise are two independent , equal and initiative economic bodies , and the relation between them is one of the most important in the modem market economy . Their behavioral modes and their practical relations have a direct effect on the operation of the economy and society .


  17. The developmental history of modem market ? centered economy has shown that the final effect of industrial regulation for government in a great extent depends on whether some industrial laws have amounted to consummation .


  18. Management Culture is a new cultural phenomenon based on the formation and development of modem mass production and market economy .


  19. The correct strategic plan can help the company meet the request of the modem enterprise system and market economy development .


  20. Chinese governmental regulation of natural monopoly should realize the transformation from ministerial administration of the planned economy to modem government regulation of market economy .


  21. Hence , re-establishing modem university system under market economy should put emphasis on the following three aspects , that is , perfect institution of juristic persons ;


  22. Hani 's traditional naturalistic rice fanning met the severe challenges from the overpopulation , modem agri-science extension and market economy .
